Arrival and Dismissal
Late Arrivals
● Students arriving at school after 8:30 am must be signed in by a parent or guardian. This is done in the main office and students will be marked tardy to school and given a pass to class.
Early Release/Student Pick Up
● To ensure the safety of students, individuals entering the school to pick up a child before dismissal must go to the main entrance security office, present identification, and sign the student out of school.
● Students will not be released to any person who is not listed on the student’s record. Anyone sent to pick up a student must be verified by the office. Teachers will not release students to anyone unless they have been instructed to do so by the office. Please make sure all your student’s contact information is current in case we need to call with questions. All early pickups must happen before 2:15. Once afternoon dismissal begins, students will not be called out of class.
Dismissal Procedures
● Dismissal is at 3:15 pm. Bus riders are dismissed before car riders. Buses will be lined up in the North parking lot along the sidewalk. Students will exit the school through the gym doors and load their individual bus.