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Our Students

Students are allowed to have backpacks at school. The backpack and its contents are the responsibility of the student. Therefore, students are encouraged to leave any items of value not required for school at home. Backpack searches will be conducted on Metal Detector days and as needed when there is reasonable suspicion. 

Students who are assigned to a bus are expected to ride their assigned bus home. Parents are
required to request authorization prior to walking home. Requests must be submitted in writing by a parent/ guardian to the office on that day. In order for a student to ride a different bus, the student will need to get prior authorization from Administration.
  1. All students eat free in the Hickman Mills School District. 
  2. Teachers will take students to the west cafeteria doors to enter for lunch.
  3. Students will use the restroom and wash hands before entering the cafeteria.
  4. When entering the cafeteria, students will sit with their class in assigned seating. 
  5. Students will be dismissed from their seats to get in the lunch line by an administrator. 
  6. At 12 minutes into each lunch shift, students who are finished eating will be allowed to clean up and wipe down their area.  Then they will line up at the east doors to have an administrator take them to the gym. 
  7. Students who are still eating will remain in the cafeteria until their lunch shift is up.  Then they will clean up and wipe down their area.
  8. They will leave the cafeteria through the east doors and go to the gym.
Pick up and dropoff will take place in the North parking lot. Students are to be dropped off and picked up along the curb. 
No celebration shall be organized, planned, or held during the school day without the approval of the building administration. Celebrations must be connected to student achievements or classroom accomplishments over a period of time and supported by data.
Cellphones are not to be used during school hours. At the beginning of the school year, every student will be assigned a personal Yondr Pouch with an ID Number, similar to being assigned a textbook. While the Yondr Pouch is considered school property, it is each student’s responsibility to bring their pouch with them to school every day. 
YONDR Bag Procedures
Beginning of school day, during Homeroom, students will:
1)         Turn their phone off.
2)         Place their phone inside the YONDR pouch, securely close it and store it in their backpack.
Each student will maintain possession of their cellphone inside their Yondr Pouch for the duration of the school day.
End of school day procedures, students will:
1)         Unlock their pouch using an Unlocking Base
2)         Remove their phone from their pouch.
3)         Securely close their empty pouch and turn it into their homeroom or last period teacher.
●           Physical damage to the pouch in an attempt to circumvent its intended purpose. 
(Ex: Discoloration, pen marks, bent pin or stripped lock inside the pouch)
●           Phones and/or other electronic devices such as Bluetooth Headphones, earbuds, Apple/SMART watches are seen in use at school. 
Students will have access to a student Chromebook during individual class periods. Devices are not checked out to every student. Each core teacher has a classroom set of computers that stay in the room. Teachers will pass them out to students when they are needed for classroom work. The devices stay in the classroom. We expect students to use their technology to further enhance their learning. Students that use district technology in an inappropriate manner will lose their technology privileges.
Students may not order food from outside vendors or delivery services. If they do so, the items will be kept in the office until the end of school. 
Students are expected to adhere to the Dress for Success expectations of the Hickman Mills C-1
School District policy, which is addressed in the Student Code of Conduct. Students’ attire must not distract, disrupt, or interfere with teaching or learning, or disrupt the climate of the school. Clothing is prohibited when an administrator deems items unsuitable, unsafe, or an interruption to the learning environment. 
The dress code criteria are as follows:
●      Shoes must be worn at all times. Avoid backless shoes, slippers, slides, heels (more than 3 inches), shoes with spikes, skates, etc.
●      Appropriate coverage of the body is expected and defined as being covered from shoulder to mid-thigh (about 3 inches above the knee). The chest, back, ribs, midriff, underarms and buttocks must be covered. Undergarments (sports bras, bra straps, boxers, or shorts worn under pants) may not show. Sagging is not permitted. All shirts must have sleeves.
●      The following items are not permitted and addressed as part of the dress code procedures:
o   Ripped jeans, leggings/spandex pants, see-through tights or yoga pants (unless with a shirt covering buttocks), pajama pants.
o   Clothing that is see-through, revealing, or displays profanity or words/symbols that advocate or depict violence, ethnic/racial slurs, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, illegal gang affiliation, political statements or any other expressed or implied illegal activity.
o   Jewelry or accessories that may be used as weapons including but not limited to wallet chains, spiked rings, spiked bracelets, two or three finger rings that are joined, spikes, oversized belt buckles and bulky chains worn around the neck or waist.
o   Headphones (i.e. Beats), wireless headsets (i.e. Bluetooth) unless used for an academic purpose with the permission of the building administrator.
o   Metal picks and combs, hats, hoods, hoodies, bandana prints, wave caps, sweatbands, sunglasses or any head covering (excluding those worn for religious reasons). 
Fire drills are signaled by the fire alarm or bullhorn. Tornado, Disaster, and Earthquake drills will be announced over the intercom system or signaled with a series of short blasts from a bullhorn. Students will be given full instructions by their individual teachers as to where they are to go or what to do during the drill. Students are to treat all drills in a serious manner.
Students are responsible for all financial obligations to the school. This includes but is not limited to: lost textbooks, charged ID badges, any technology devices and lost athletic equipment. If fines and fees are not resolved, no official documents will be released in the student’s name, including grade cards and official transcripts. If necessary, the school will hold the student’s diploma upon graduation.
Students are not allowed to have food of any kind out during class to eat. Students who arrive to school with breakfast or a breakfast drink (i.e. Starbucks, Dutch Bros, ect.) will finish the product before going to class or throw it away. Snacks are strictly forbidden during the school day. Food is not allowed in classrooms. Food causes distractions during class time and hinders the learning process. For drinks, students are allowed to have a water bottle and only water can be kept in it. Students are not allowed to put any type of flavored powders that change the color. Flavored water, when spilled, can stain other students’ clothes. There are some exceptions to this policy, such as classroom parties in which case, families will be notified ahead of time.
Students must have approval from the building principal or designee. Students are not authorized to sell or trade personal items for any reason at school.
●      Walk on the right-hand side of the hallway.
●      When waiting at the water fountain, avoid blocking the hallway by forming a line next to the wall.
●      Voices at a level 1.
●      Keep your hands, feet, etc., to yourself.
●      Use your passing time to go to the bathroom or locker, then go directly to class.
●      Obtain a pass before going to see the nurse.
●      Do not block heavily used traffic areas.
●      Must have a pass to be in the hallway outside of passing time.
To facilitate school-to-home communication, parents are encouraged to use the Parent Portal, which allows parents to engage in their child's day-to-day education using Infinite Campus. Parents and students can access pertinent information about attendance, grades, homework assignments, and a history of academic work.
Lost articles found should be sent to the Main Office. Anyone losing an item should check in with the front office secretary before or after school. Every effort will be made to identify whom the lost articles belong to and return them to the rightful owners. Articles unidentified and unclaimed may be donated to charity at the end of the semester.
Students are encouraged not to bring personal items of value to the school. The school will not be responsible for personal items lost, stolen, etc. This includes phones, earbuds, ear phones, electronic devices, etc. 
We are excited to announce that starting this school year, South Middle School will be implementing the Missouri PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) framework. This initiative aims to create a more positive, consistent, and supportive environment for everyone. Through Missouri PBIS, we will focus on reinforcing positive behaviors, ensuring a safe and respectful school culture, and helping all students succeed. We look forward to working together to make our school a great place for learning and growth!
Creating a video or audio recording in the school setting is prohibited unless it is for specific curricular reasons as determined by school officials. The school has an obligation to ensure the safety and privacy of all students. Students are not allowed to post inappropriate photos or videos on social media. Students who record inappropriate behavior at school will receive consequences for phone violation in addition to other code of conduct violations. For example, if a student records two students ‘fighting’ in the restroom, all three students will receive consequences for fighting or inciting a fight and the student who recorded the incident will have a phone violation. 
Students may be requested to submit to voluntary personal searches when reasonable suspicion warrants such action. School lockers and desks are the property of the Board of Education and are subject to periodic  inspections without notice. Lockers and desks may be subject to search by school administrators for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: suspicion of concealing drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or materials of a disruptive nature, stolen properties, weapons, or other items which pose danger to the health or safety of the student, other students, or school employees. An administrator and an additional staff member will conduct all searches. If student vehicles are parked on school grounds, they are subject to search when reasonable suspicion warrants such action according to the procedure outlined for search of lockers and desks.